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Kwipoo, why the weird name?

An AI generated image of a quipu (ˈkēpo͞o,ˈkwiˌpo͞o). A Quipu is the inspiration behind our name Kwipoo. A quipu is an ancient Inca device for recording information, consisting of variously colored threads knotted in different ways. We want our app Kwipoo to be the main platform for recording your information to make optimal and sustainable information for your things.
The name “Kwipoo” is inspired by the device made of knotted cords used by the Incas called a “quipu”. As the Inca empire grew, they developed the quipu as a way of accounting for the movement of goods and people throughout the empire so they could plan and coordinate effectively.

Similarly, we envision Kwipoo becoming a tool for people to effectively, easily, and enjoyably coordinate the use and movement of goods we all have so that we no longer consume and waste in a way that is so harmful to the planet we live and depend on.
The things we own mean a lot to us. We buy them to do what we love, whether that's adventuring outdoors, relaxing with the latest video game, completing those DIY projects, or gathering with friends and family. With so much to do in our lives it makes sense why we have so many things.
environmental damage picture: A composite image juxtaposing two contrasting scenes. On the left, a devastated landscape showcases wildfires, with plumes of smoke and scorched earth, and remnants of buildings amid the destruction caused by global temperature warming. On the right, a sunlit urban street lined with historic buildings is cluttered with large piles of black trash bags, suggesting neglect or a crisis. This image was AI generated and depicts the potential environmental impacts that over consumption creates/
Unfortunately having all these things comes at a cost beyond just the price tag. Not only does producing these things require plenty of energy, they also often end up in landfills (or worse).
graph image showing half filled
50% of all thrown away items end up in landfills. That’s 146.2 MILLION TONS. That's over 24 million ELEPHANTS in a year. WTF!?
graph image showing 23% filled
Only 23% of materials are recycled. Can't we do better?
graph image showing 23% filled
Industry, including production of new goods, accounts for 23% of greenhouse gas emissions. What if we used what we already have?
Given how busy people are and the limited time and energy leftover after a day of meetings that could have been emails, it's no wonder that people toss their things instead of repairing them or giving them a second life in the circular economy. If only there was something that made it easier...
That's why we're introducing:


showcasing the thing details, place, and events list pages